Rizzotto M., Negro M. & Barbero E. (2023). Field notes on the consequences of limb damage and loss in Sisyphus schaefferi (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae: Sisyphini). The Coleopterists Bullettin, 77(2): 1–4.


Rizzotto M., Negro M. & Barbero E. (2021). Some traits of the biology and epigean behaviour of Sisyphus schaefferi (Linneaus) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Sisyphini). The Coleopterists Bullettin, 75(1), 1-11.


Chamberlain D., Gobbi M., Negro M., Caprio E., Palestrini C., Pedrotti L., Brandmayr P., Pizzolotto R. & Rolando A. (2020). Trait‐modulated decline of carabid beetle occurrence along elevational gradients across the European Alps. Journal of Biogeography, 47(5), 1030-1040.


Negro M., Caprio E., Leo K., Maritano U., Roggero A., Vacchiano G., Palestrini C. & Rolando A. (2017). The effect of forest management on endangered insects assessed by radio-tracking: the case for the ground beetle Carabus olympiae in beech Fagus sylvatica stands. Forest Ecology and Management. 406 (2017) 125–137.


Negro M., Vacchiano G., Berretti R., Chamberlain D.E., Palestrini C., Motta R. & Rolando A. (2014). Effects of forest management on carabid beetle diversity in mountain beech stands. Forest Ecology and Management. 328: 300–309.


Chamberlain D.E., Negro M., Caprio E. & Rolando A. (2013). Assessing the sensitivity of alpine birds to potential future changes in habitat and climate to inform management strategies. Biological Conservation, 167:127-135.


Negro M., Rolando A., Barni E., Bocola D., Filippa G., Freppaz M., Isaia M., Siniscalco C. & Palestrini C. (2013). Differential responses of ground dwelling arthropods to ski-piste restoration by hydroseeding. Biodiversity & Conservation. 22:2607-2634.


Tocco C., Probo M., Lombardi G., Negro M., Nervo B., Rolando A & Palestrini C. (2013) Pastoral practices to reverse shrub encroachment of sub-alpine grasslands: dung beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) respond more quickly than vegetation. PlosOne. 8:1-10.


Negro M., La Rocca C., Ronzani S., Rolando A. & Palestrini C. (2013). Management tradeoffs between endangered species and biodiversity: the case of Carabus olympiae (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and carabid diversity in the western italian Alps. Biological Conservation. 157: 255–265 (IF = 4.5).


Negro M., Novara C., Bertolino S. & Rolando A. (2013). Ski pistes are ecological barriers to forest small mammals. European Journal of Wildlife Research. 59:57–67.


Paschetta M., La Morgia V., Masante D., Negro M., Rolando A. & Isaia M. (2012) Grazing history influences biodiversity: a case study on ground-dwelling arachnids (Arachnida: Araneae,  Opiliones) in the Natural Park of Alpi Marittime (NW Italy). Journal of Insect Conservation. 17: 339-356.


Rolando A., Negro M., Passerin d’Entrèves P. & Palestrini C. (2012). The effect of forest ski-pistes on butterfly assemblages in the Alps. Insect Conservation and Diversity. 6: 212–222. (IF = 2.717)


Tocco C., Negro M., Rolando A. & Palestrini C. (2012). Does natural reforestation represent a potential threat to dung beetle diversity in the Alps? Journal of Insect Conservation. 17: 207-217.


Negro M., Rolando A. & Palestrini C. (2011b). The impact of overgrazing on dung beetle diversity in the Italian Maritime Alps. Environmental Entomology.40(5): 1081-1092. (IF = 1.534)


Negro M., Palestrini C., Giraudo M.T. & Rolando A. (2011). The effect of altitude and habitat at local environmental heterogeneity on alpine dung beetle diversity. European Journal of Entomology. 108(1):91-98. (IF = 0.914)


Negro M., Isaia M., Palestrini C., Schoenhofer A. & Rolando A. (2010). The impact of high-altitude ski pistes on ground-dwelling arthropods in the Alps. Biodiversity & Conservation.19:1853-1870 (IF = 2.146).


Negro M., Isaia M., Palestrini C. & Rolando A. (2009). The impact of forest ski-pistes on diversity of ground-dwelling arthropods and small mammals in the Alps. Biodiversity & Conservation. 18:2799-2821 (IF = 2.146)..


Isaia M., Negro M. & Rolando A. (2008). Notes on the distribution of Berlandina nubivaga with the description of the male (Araneae, Gnaphosidae). The Journal of Arachnology. 36(1): 180-183 (IF = 0.901).


Negro M., Casale A., Migliore L., Palestrini C. & Rolando A. (2008). Habitat use and movement patterns in the ground beetle endangered species Carabus olympiae (Coleoptera, Carabidae). European Journal of Entomology. 105: 105-112 (IF = 0.914).


Negro M., Casale A., Migliore L., Palestrini C. & Rolando A. (2007). The effect of small-scale anthropogenic habitat heterogeneity on assemblages of macro-carabids (Coleoptera, Caraboidea) endemic to the Alps. Biodiversity & Conservation.16: 3919-3932 (IF = 2.146).